June 13,2022
A comprehensive guide to choosing a deodorizer
Selecting the best deodorizer to use in your portable restroom or restroom trailer holding tank is crucial. You service your units regularly to create a superior impression, but deodorizer is the agent that works around the clock to preserve that environment. Keep reading to discover which deodorizer will set you apart from the competition.
Know your options
There are many types of deodorizer from which you can choose: liquid or pre-portioned drop-in, different chemistries (formaldehyde-based, formaldehyde-free, or natural), and various formula strengths. Many factors influence your decision: usage, climate, frequency of service, and even personal preference.
Traditional liquid or pre-portioned drop-in?
There are different benefits to liquid deodorizers and portion-control drop-ins, so choosing between them is often a matter of preference. The packets remove the guesswork from adding deodorizer because no measuring is required. And while containers like the Walex EZ-Squeeze Bottles allow greater accuracy when using liquids, you’re still less likely to spill or overuse a drop-in packet.
One advantage of liquids, however, is the variety offered. Walex portion control drop-in packets are available in three strengths: Porta-Pak Max, Porta-Pak, and Porta-Pak Express, while Walex liquid deodorizer is available in nine varieties—three formaldehyde options and six formaldehyde-free choices. Liquids can also be made in any of Walex’s 24 fragrances, whereas packets only come in certain fragrances.
Formaldehyde-free or Formaldehyde-based?
Liquid deodorizers are available in two chemistries: formaldehyde-based and formaldehyde-free. Walex’s line of liquid deodorizers includes three formaldehyde-based products (PT-615, PT-600, and PT-60 Pre-Mix) and six formaldehyde-free products (PT-50 Supreme, Endure, Advantage, Contender, PT-500, and Pre-Mix).
In our industry’s early days, formaldehyde was the main odor-eliminating ingredient in deodorizers. However, some states have since banned formaldehyde, so Walex’s research and development team created equally effective formaldehyde-free deodorizers.
Formaldehyde-free products control odors for a longer period of time. If you tested the products side by side, formaldehyde would be more effective initially, emitting a powerful chemical odor. But because it is gas, it will evaporate after three to six days, depending on temperatures. The formaldehyde-free products continue providing odor control longer using the modern technology developed by Walex R&D chemists, and they’re safer to use.
What strength of product do you need?
The final decision you must make is the product concentration to order, which depends on your climate, usage, and frequency of service.
If you’re in a hot climate or your units get heavy usage, the best drop-in is Porta-Pak MAX, a potent formula with 50% more dye, 50% more odor control, and double the fragrance of the original Porta-Pak. Your best liquid options are PT-50 Supreme, Endure, PT-615, or PT-600.
If you’re in a warm climate or your units get moderate usage, choose Porta-Pak for your drop-in or Advantage or Contender for your liquid.
During the cold winter months, you could switch your drop-in to Porta-Pak Express, a smaller dose of formula. You can stick with Contender for your liquid or choose a ready-to-use product like PT-500.
Porta-Pak Express is also an economical option for outdoor events where units get heavy usage but are serviced daily.
When in doubt, opt for a more concentrated formula. The benefits of investing in odor control far outweigh the relatively small cost increases.
If you still have questions about which deodorizer best fits your needs, the odor control experts at Walex are here to help. Give us a call at 910-371-2242.
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