Alcohol Antiseptic 80% (Hand Sanitizer)

Alcohol Antiseptic 80% Topical Solution, 55-gallon drum

  • Non-sterile Solution
  • Call 1-800-338-3155 for details & price*

Directions: To decrease bacteria on skin, apply a small amount to palm. Briskly rub, covering hands with product until dry. Children should be supervised when using this product. Use without water.

Follow instructions and safety precautions when refilling empty bags from drum. Hand sanitizer is flammable.

We also offer hand sanitizer in 1-gallon jugs. No account necessary to purchase.

Click here for printable safety instructions


*The price of hand sanitizer is subject to change due to ethanol availability

About Alcohol Antiseptic 80% (Hand Sanitizer)

55-gallon drum, gallon case (6x1gal/case)

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