
February 07,2022

Commando now available in recyclable packaging

After debuting recyclable packaging for Bio-Active Septic Tank Treatment in 2021, Walex is now packaging its black holding tank cleaner, Commando, in the same eco-friendly material.

Walex plans to transition several more of its RV/Marine product line to recyclable material in the coming years. The effort is part of an eco-friendly initiative extending to the product formulas; all of Walex’s RV/Marine products comply with the country’s most stringent environmental standards.

Recycle your Commando bag in a plastic bag recycling bin located at many retail stores, including Lidl, Target, Walmart, and Wegmans. To recycle, ensure the package is clean and dry before placing it in the bin.

The new recyclable bags are stamped with a seal from How2Recycle, an organization that aims to clarify the recycling process by standardizing instructions and labels. According to, the bag material can be made into synthetic lumber for decking, park benches, or recycled directly into another bag.